
All The Creatures Were Stirring Torrent Index Aprimewire






Rating: 5,3 / 10

When an awkward date on Christmas Eve leads a couple into a strange theater, they're treated to a bizarre and frightening collection of Christmas stories, featuring a wide ensemble of characters doing their best to avoid the horrors of the holidays. From boring office parties and last-minute shopping, to vengeful stalkers and immortal demons, there's plenty out there to fear this holiday season

star: Jocelin Donahue

Rebekah McKendry



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All The Creatures Were stiring. All the creatures were stirring 2018. All the creatures were stirring plot. All The Creatures Were stirring. When I finished watching this film I felt that the group behind it deserved an A for effort but a solid D for execution. I have little doubt that this was due to a miniscule budget being allotted for the film but still, it would have been nice to see some of the pieces done with enough money on hand to employ better actors and special effects people since it relies heavily on both. At least the stories were solid.
What we have is an anthology film with the Christmas theme running through each. Tying them all together is a couple out on a first date on Christmas Eve. The guy has bought them tickets to a small theater with a new production to present. Each episode is introduced by these minimalist plays on stage that morph into the filmed pieces.
The first tale involves an office party that most of the people at aren't thrilled about but participate in. That changes when the first one to open a gift from their gift exchange is killed by the gift. The phone rings and an anonymous caller lets the group know that they are trapped and can't escape from the room. The gifts might be tame or they might kill them. But they must continue opening the gifts in order to reach a point where whoever survives can leave. The story is interesting and plays on the fearful part of not knowing what gift you will receive while at the same time having a humorous touch in the fact this is an office party no one cares about turned deadly.
The second story involves a young man doing his last minute shopping before heading home. Parked far from the mall he realizes he's talking to his wife and then as he puts a package in back locks both his keys and his phone in the car. Looking around the only other vehicle in the lot is a van that he walks to. He meets two young women in the car and asks for assistance. Both act a bit strange and he sees something unusual in the back of the van. The odds of his making it home in time for Christmas seem to diminish as the story moves forward.
Next up is a retelling of "A Christmas Carol" of sorts. A middle aged businessman hates Christmas and always does what he can to ruin it for everyone else, like stealing his neighbor's lawn ornament. He calls his girlfriend and expects her to leave her family on Christmas Eve for a booty call. Eventually while sloppy drunk he falls and hit his head on a coffee table which allows him to begin seeing different ghosts of Christmas who will provide him the opportunity to change his ways.
We're not through yet! Fifth is the tale of a man driving home on Christmas Eve who isn't paying attention to the road and hits a deer. Getting out of the car he finds the wounded animal and rather than leave it there suffering he smashes its head in with a rock. What he failed to notice was the reindeer's name on his collar, one of Santa's finest. Getting home he finds his girlfriend has come over to surprise him. When he hears something upstairs he goes up to investigate. What he finds is not what he expects. Though short and incomplete as far as effects go this was one of my favorites among the 6 stories.
Yes I said six because the last story involves a man who is avoiding his friends and wrapping chains around himself as a full moon appears for Christmas. Unfortunately his girlfriend has brought the party to him in spite of him asking her to not come over. I'll stop there because what happens next I didn't see coming. Suffice to say it was an interesting story that kept me watching.
The wraparound story concludes the film with the couple seeing the stage play suddenly recreating their date. Once more, watch and you'll see what happens.
So the good news is the stories here are original and interesting. The writing isn't bad and the concepts they play with here will hold your interests. The bad news is that the film looks like it was shot on an obvious set, the acting ranges from good to terrible and the special effects, the mainstay of most horror films, are lacking quite a bit of the time. Also portions of the stories that should have had money invested in them weren't and that leaves a lot to the imagination and not in a good way.
So what's the end result? Good or bad? Well for me I'd say the movie was definitely entertaining and for something different to watch I would recommend it. I don't know that it will become a part of my regular Christmas viewing list but it was fun for a single night. My guess is most horror fans will find something in it to like. And many others might as well. Just know going in it could have been just a little bit better.

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All the creatures were stirring not even a mouse.

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